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 Rules (En)

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Posts : 38
Join date : 2010-08-25

Rules (En) Empty
PostSubject: Rules (En)   Rules (En) EmptyWed Aug 25, 2010 3:18 am

Forum Rules [English]

1. Post in the right section. Every section has its description, so post your thread in the section that fits your topic best. If you post in the wrong section, the thread will be either deleted or moved without a warning.

2. Don't spam the forum. Spamming or flooding is not tolerated in this forum. If you do not have anything to say, then do not post it. All the useless posts will be deleted without a warning.

3. Use the Private Message function. If you need to contact a specific user, use the private message function instead of creating a new thread addressed to a single person. Threads that are adressed to a specific user will be deleted.

4. No Advertising or selling. Threads and posts advertising other servers or products or attempting to sell items and accounts for real life money are forbidden. The thread or post will be deleted and the author may get banned.

4. No inappropriate material. It is forbidden to post any kind of pornographic or violent material, because people of younger age visit this forum. Any inappropriate material will be deleted immediately and the poster will get banned.

6. Choose your avatar and signature carefully: no pornographic, violent or discriminating other races/nationalities/religions etc. material (check your picture with a forum administrator or moderator if you want to use one).

7. Respect the staff and each other. Respect the administrators and moderators and obey their instructions.

8. Posting exploits, hacks and so on is not tollerated (expect in "Bugs" section)

9. Dont use post useless post names as "Help" because it lowers your chance to get help

Rules can be changed without any notice
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